Pacific Shaolin Kenpo
- Established 1994, Aberdeen, Wa.
Owners: John Kraft and Sam Kraft.
Joined Ralph Castro’s International Shaolin Kenpo Association in 1994.
- Became students of Great Grandmaster Ralph Castro, founder of Shaolin Kenpo, in 1994.
- NW Rep to the International Shaolin Kenpo Association, 2016.
- Founded the Northwest Shaolin Kenpo Association, 2021.
- Assistant to GGM Rob Castro, Head of the International Shaolin Kenpo Association.
About us
Pacific Shaolin Kenpo has survived many obstacles over time and we’re grateful to remain a respected school within the International Shaolin Kenpo Association family of Schools.
Like many of you, our ability to weather the adversities of life has led to competence in Championing our goals. Through our experiences good and bad, we believe this gives us an edge to provide guidance in self-defense on a very personal and intimate level.

Pacific Shaolin Kenpo
Alumni, 1994 – 1999
- Original Owners & Chief Instructors:
1994 – 1999
- Sue Jacobus-Messenger
- John Kraft
Assistant Instructors
- Ben Galeana
- Gabe Jacobus
- Sam Kraft
- Rachel Jacobus
- Jenny Kraft
- Cindy (Kraft) Gibbons
- Guest Instructors
- Maria Warwick
- Ray Warwick
- Adam Lin
- Clay Micheau
- Joe Barnes
STUDENTS who Signed the Role Books
Scott Morrow
Dominic Keesler
Jeremiah Jones
Kari Hasbrook
Uriel Maldanado
Ralph Delaney
Eric Chillman
Thom Nuygen
Peter Means
Devon Wellbaum
Billy Myers
Chad Myers
Bobby Alexander
Bob Alexander
Angela Messenger
Bryan Lonn
Sean Weatherford
Brandon Bodey
Nathan Lord
Eric Neilsen
Cody Woodruff
Jenny Alexander
Stweart Soper
Alex Mackey
Jason Bodey
Ashley Lewis
Malorie Kost
Ben Galeana
Eric C.
Paul Trembley
Issac Crane
Rhonda Traub
Jason Chang
Ray Duvall
Roy Werner
Seth Werner
Tony Ferris
Michael Williams
Brian Lonn
Jordan Woodruff
Shawn Weatherford
Jeff Downing
Ben Gatto
Jason Gatto
Garth Caleb
Cody McCormick
Janine Davis
Tom Mull
Angel Hasbrook
Coleman Carle
Jordan W
Alex mull
Melody Mull
Nathan Lord
Billy Lann
Cindy McCormick
Aaron Williams
Nicolas Lewis
Steven Newdell
D.J. Ramey
Kari Lord
Jed Ray Cissner
Dan Davenport
Garth Running
Caleb Williams
Jed Sherman
Jason Charge
Adam Lin
Crystal McKay
Tony Gavenaugh
Aaron Olsen
Rob Springer
Vincent Wagner
Scott Kellogg
Britt Hotteil
Stephanie C
Brook A
Barry S
Drew L
Kris B
Dawn Kellogg
Jason Hotteil
Jermy Barsma
Sean Anderson
Madison S
Andrew P
Jessica P
Ian Slatten
Tim Howard
Drew Little
Jesse House
Joy Rullel
Jommy Crews
Dane Bonnel
Justin Peterson
Yolanda Martinez
Kristopher Barber
Lisa Roberts
Casey Tanasse
Jennifer McManemy
Greg Schlact
Angel Delliquari
Allen Lutes

Aberdeen Kenpo Karate, Est. by Rick and Maria Warwick, 1969 – 1983
Rick Warwick | Maria Warwick |
Joseph Warwick | Ray Warwick |
Jerry Warwick | Brian Johnson |
Mike Skinner Sr. | Bryan “Ernie” Evans |
Joni Lin | Frank Gordon |
Clay Micheau | Sue Messenger |
“No No’ Nanette Hagara | Galon Boley |
John Shiflett | John Kraft |
Richard ‘Rich’ Beeman Barry Alexander |
Adam Lin Ben Galeana |
( Skinner’s ) ” Aberdeen Kenpo Karate “
1992 – 2001
Not owned by the Warwick family.